Given the unique monsters we've come to see in the Stranger Things tv series, it could very well be a horror experience to look forward to. Which is sounding like an interesting twist on the norm. The Stranger Things DLC is being labelled as being a “stealth-horror survival”. With notoriously good villains, outposts to capture and a stealth-combat system. The core gameplay behind Far Cry 6 is in its solid open-world shooter experience.

With all of your progress saved and transferred to the full game. If you choose to purchase the game after the free weekend, it will be discounted across all platforms. Including all released DLC to date, right through until the end of the promotion. If you're wondering how much of the current content is available, it's all of it.

Seemingly timed, this free weekend is taking place alongside the release of their Stranger Things crossover DLC. Free to download, and preloadable, on Ubisoft Connect and the Epic Games Store, you will be able to dive right into the island of Yara. If you were holding off on taking Far Cry 6 for a spin, now might be the right time. From March 24th until March 27th, Far Cry 6‘s island of Yara is free to explore.